Our approach to ESG governance
Operating within a robust governance and risk framework helps ensure that the decisions and actions we take are ethical, support good customer outcomes and align with our purpose and the delivery of our strategic objectives in a way which is consistent with our values.
The CEO has overall accountability to the Board to ensure that sustainable and responsible practices are embedded within the business. He is the senior manager responsible for ensuring the identification and management of financial risks arising from climate change under the Senior Managers and Certification Regime.
In relation to sustainability the Board is specifically responsible for oversight of any strategic elements relating to Environment, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) including approval of the ESG Strategy and the annual Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.
The Board Risk Committee is responsible for the monitoring and oversight of climate and transition risks, however other Executive Committees play a significant role in developing and overseeing the delivery of our ESG strategy. The ESG Forum and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Forum have cross functional representation and directly report into the Culture Committee, which reports to the Remuneration and Nominations Committee and to Board.